Countries closer to the Earth have milder temperatures throughout the year compared with countries farther north or south of the Equator. Four seasons and a wide range of temperatures, including much lower winter temperatures, are further north or south. This is influenced by various things. The poles get rays from the sun at a slow angle, and beams spread across a considerably broader region, due to Earth’s tilt on the axis. But the equator gets the rays directly across a smaller region, which increases the concentration of the rays.

The absorption and spread of sunshine are also less important yet nevertheless contribute to the greater temperatures of the Equator. More air molecules and particles have higher latitudes, which lead to higher absorption and less surface solar radiation. Reflected sun energy is rebounding and not warming the earth. Snow reflects much of the sun’s energy and makes the frigid places of the earth remain cool. The amount of reflected rays depends on the surface. Areas around the equator absorb many rays of the sun that cause warmer weather.

A typical tropical marine climate exists in most Philippines. Throughout the whole year, you will find typical warm and moist weather. The country has a rainy season from June to September. Typhoons are typical throughout this season. The North-East Monsoon is filled with chilly, dry winds from the north from October to February. The Philippines has exceptionally hot summers between March and May.

To add on, with an average yearly moisture content of roughly 77 percent, the country’s typical temperature ranges from 25 to 32 degrees Celsius. Highland areas are cooler and nighttime temperatures fall to 20 degrees Celsius during the night. From December to March the finest season to visit the Philippines. In many regions, it is warm and usually dry. April may also be a wonderful month if folks take the heat well. April is the sunniest month, but behind May is also the second warmest.

November-April is the most popular time in the year when rainfalls are at their lowest and the island’s most distant areas may easily be reached in the Philippines. The temperatures are cool and the days are cold with sunny blue skies between December and February. Typically in June, the wet season begins, however typhoons are available between August and October.

The Philippines is mostly hot and wet all year but can be split between November and May in a dry season and between June and October into a wet season. Although summers have extended into June and July in recent years due to climate change. The yearly average temperature in this country is 26 degrees Celsius, and May is the hottest month in the Philippines.

Naturally, in a country with over 7,000 islands spread out over 100,000 square miles, weather patterns can be quite varied. The Philippines is bordered on the west by the South China Sea, on the east by the Philippine Sea, and on the south by the Celebes Sea.

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