India is a place where a lot of different cultures mix. As such, it is home to a diverse collection of people and customs, and this has led to diversity with house architecture as well. The varied communities all brought architecture which suited the climate and how the locals lived in that specific area. In order to help you understand, we have put together a guide to types of houses in India. We hope you find it helpful.

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Bungalows are single-storied cottages or houses, typically small in terms of square footage. Although, in recent times, larger bungalows have become quite normal. They are often used to house entire families, so the recent increase in size isn’t unexpected. This type of house is typically family-owned; however, renting them is also possible. While bungalows might not seem impressive, they are usually quite nice. Living in a one-story house is excellent, and this is proven by how many bungalows are still being built. They were, initially, primarily seen in more rural areas. Still, new constructions in cities these days often include bungalows.

Apartment buildings

The most common type of housing in urban areas is apartment buildings. Each apartment building houses many apartments, which have their own styles. There are smaller, more affordable ones, larger apartments that can accommodate small families, etc. Finally, the largest and most expensive ones are basement suites and penthouses: apartments the size of a single-storied house. Separate apartments within an apartment building are typically self-owned, although renting has become more popular. All in all, this is the most common and popular type of housing because there is something to suit anyone’s needs.

Farmhouses (vacation homes)

Away from the bustle of urban areas, you can find large homes in the countryside. Nowadays, they are built to attract wealthier people – they are a nice getaway from the busy city life. However, many farmhouse constructions became part of an organized housing supply. Because of this, farmhouse owners sometimes need to build the infrastructure of their houses on their own. This is why these vacation homes are mostly made to attract rich folk with extra funds to put into their housing. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t vacation homes for middle-class people as well. Before you decide to buy a vacation home, you should carefully consider renting vs. buying in India.


Among the more famous types of houses in India, we have villas. Villas are upper-class homes that range from massive to enormous in size. They are either built as big homes or come with a private driveway, garden, lawn, and swimming pool. Villas are typically privately built, and many people traveling to India are attracted to this aspect. Recently, villas have become the more popular renting choice surpassing hotels for anyone making a brief stay. Only adding to their popularity, villas are usually surrounded by beautiful nature and lush greenery, which tourists find rejuvenating.

Studio apartments

A relatively new concept that is becoming increasingly popular all over the world. These are, to put it simply, apartments with no separated rooms. Usually rented by younger working individuals, they are an excellent option for cheaper housing with the amenities of larger and more expensive apartments. Studio apartments consist of sections completely without walls or barriers separating them. You can use this space however you like, as long as you are okay with having your living room, bedroom, and kitchen in the same area.

Additionally, these are an excellent option for people moving to India. For example, if you want to move to India from Hong Kong, a studio apartment is an affordable and easy solution for housing. And having a cheap housing solution leaves you more breathing room to organize the simplest possible relocation by hiring professional movers to help you move into your new home.


Found exclusively in rural parts of India, huts are crude shelters with not much to offer. They are easily built, as they require wood, leaves, mud, and bricks. While they are slowly evolving to include simple features, such as a chimney, the only benefit of a hut is that all of the materials used to build it are easily sourced from nature.

Eco-friendly houses

As the name suggests, this type of home is built to be ecologically friendly and sustainable. With widespread efforts to be generally kinder to nature, these houses are becoming more and more popular in India. These sustainable homes are a combination of all eco-friendly facets: they are built from ecologically friendly materials, designed to use green energy sources and architecture that emphasizes their efficiency and harmony with the environment. To minimize the impact on the environment, these houses are fitted with sustainable techs such as renewable energy sources, multi-fuel stoves, water recycling, and efficient waste management. All in all, they are a great choice. Although, if you are considering renting one out, you should be aware of the important facts about rent agreements.

Closing thoughts

India offers a lot of diverse options when it comes to housing. There is a housing option for anyone in India, whether you are looking for something cheap or expensive, small or massive. We hope you found this guide to types of houses in India helpful, and we wish you luck in finding the right home for you.

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